We obtained country-wise aggregate data of GHPSS for ‘ prevalence of tobacco use’ and ‘ role model and cessation training’ from the GTSS website ( ).
For countries where sampling was done, a weighting factor was applied to account for the probability of being sampled in a complex survey design and non-response. For countries where census was carried out, a finite population correction was applied to adjust for variance in prevalence estimates and also for non-response.
GHPSS uses SUDAAN software to calculate prevalence estimates and their 95% CIs. ‘ Current use of tobacco products other than cigarettes’ was defined as using chewing tobacco, snuff, bidis, cigars or pipes (adapted to suit each country) on one or more days during the past 30 days. ‘Current cigarette smoking’ was defined as smoking cigarettes on one or more days during the past 30 days. The GHPSS has created a standard set of variables from the core questions to facilitate cross-country comparisons. 26 27 Using aggregated GHPSS data, we aimed to provide updated global, regional and country-level estimates on prevalence of tobacco use among medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy students and describe their attitudes towards tobacco cessation training. Such information about the prevalence of tobacco use and the student health professionals’ attitude towards cessation is important for medical educators and tobacco control policy makers. Yet, a comprehensive report is unavailable on all WHO regions and all four disciplines. 18–20 The Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) 21 has resulted in separate publications on country-specific estimates for medical, 22 dental, 23 nursing 24 and pharmacy 25 disciplines. 17 Hence, there is continued debate on introducing tobacco cessation training into health professions' curricula. 16 Medical students usually ask patients their smoking history during clinical rotations but they seldom ask or advise about cessation. 13–15 In many medical schools in Afro-Asian developing countries, tobacco cessation training is not provided at all or given non-systematically.
Training student health professionals in smoking cessation could potentially have an impact on their future professional practice by helping patients who smoke quit either by interviewing, simple advice or referrals to cessation clinics. 9 10 Student health professionals have inadequate knowledge about smoking-related diseases and receive very little or no training on tobacco cessation techniques. 8 However, health professionals’ smoking habit may deter them from providing cessation advise and counselling to their patients because they cannot persuade patients to quit if they were smoking themselves. 6 7 Cessation training for student health professionals may be potentially a very significant contribution towards tobacco control efforts. WHO FCTC underscores the importance of the role played by doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, optometrists, and so on, in cessation and prevention of tobacco use by providing brief counselling or even simple advice. 4 The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) recommends that the global tobacco epidemic be monitored through population-based surveys conducted through the Global Tobacco Surveillance System (GTSS) among adults, youth, school personnel and student health professionals. 2 An estimated 967 million smokers are living in 187 countries and this number is expected to increase with the growing population 3 and worsening tobacco epidemic in developing countries. 1 Tobacco smoking inclusive of secondhand smoke (SHS) is a leading risk factor attributable to 6% of global disability-adjusted life years. Globally, tobacco use is a major preventable cause of premature mortality and morbidity.